74 research outputs found

    A Probabilistic Model for the Cold-Start Problem in Rating Prediction using Click Data

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    One of the most efficient methods in collaborative filtering is matrix factorization, which finds the latent vector representations of users and items based on the ratings of users to items. However, a matrix factorization based algorithm suffers from the cold-start problem: it cannot find latent vectors for items to which previous ratings are not available. This paper utilizes click data, which can be collected in abundance, to address the cold-start problem. We propose a probabilistic item embedding model that learns item representations from click data, and a model named EMB-MF, that connects it with a probabilistic matrix factorization for rating prediction. The experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed model is not only effective in recommending items with no previous ratings, but also outperforms competing methods, especially when the data is very sparse.Comment: ICONIP 201

    Exploring Scholarly Data by Semantic Query on Knowledge Graph Embedding Space

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    The trends of open science have enabled several open scholarly datasets which include millions of papers and authors. Managing, exploring, and utilizing such large and complicated datasets effectively are challenging. In recent years, the knowledge graph has emerged as a universal data format for representing knowledge about heterogeneous entities and their relationships. The knowledge graph can be modeled by knowledge graph embedding methods, which represent entities and relations as embedding vectors in semantic space, then model the interactions between these embedding vectors. However, the semantic structures in the knowledge graph embedding space are not well-studied, thus knowledge graph embedding methods are usually only used for knowledge graph completion but not data representation and analysis. In this paper, we propose to analyze these semantic structures based on the well-studied word embedding space and use them to support data exploration. We also define the semantic queries, which are algebraic operations between the embedding vectors in the knowledge graph embedding space, to solve queries such as similarity and analogy between the entities on the original datasets. We then design a general framework for data exploration by semantic queries and discuss the solution to some traditional scholarly data exploration tasks. We also propose some new interesting tasks that can be solved based on the uncanny semantic structures of the embedding space.Comment: TPDL 2019; add appendix for the KG20C scholarly knowledge graph benchmark datase

    Multi-Partition Embedding Interaction with Block Term Format for Knowledge Graph Completion

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    Knowledge graph completion is an important task that aims to predict the missing relational link between entities. Knowledge graph embedding methods perform this task by representing entities and relations as embedding vectors and modeling their interactions to compute the matching score of each triple. Previous work has usually treated each embedding as a whole and has modeled the interactions between these whole embeddings, potentially making the model excessively expensive or requiring specially designed interaction mechanisms. In this work, we propose the multi-partition embedding interaction (MEI) model with block term format to systematically address this problem. MEI divides each embedding into a multi-partition vector to efficiently restrict the interactions. Each local interaction is modeled with the Tucker tensor format and the full interaction is modeled with the block term tensor format, enabling MEI to control the trade-off between expressiveness and computational cost, learn the interaction mechanisms from data automatically, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on the link prediction task. In addition, we theoretically study the parameter efficiency problem and derive a simple empirically verified criterion for optimal parameter trade-off. We also apply the framework of MEI to provide a new generalized explanation for several specially designed interaction mechanisms in previous models.Comment: ECAI 2020. Including state-of-the-art results for very small models in appendi

    MEIM: Multi-partition Embedding Interaction Beyond Block Term Format for Efficient and Expressive Link Prediction

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    Knowledge graph embedding aims to predict the missing relations between entities in knowledge graphs. Tensor-decomposition-based models, such as ComplEx, provide a good trade-off between efficiency and expressiveness, that is crucial because of the large size of real world knowledge graphs. The recent multi-partition embedding interaction (MEI) model subsumes these models by using the block term tensor format and provides a systematic solution for the trade-off. However, MEI has several drawbacks, some of which carried from its subsumed tensor-decomposition-based models. In this paper, we address these drawbacks and introduce the Multi-partition Embedding Interaction iMproved beyond block term format (MEIM) model, with independent core tensor for ensemble effects and soft orthogonality for max-rank mapping, in addition to multi-partition embedding. MEIM improves expressiveness while still being highly efficient, helping it to outperform strong baselines and achieve state-of-the-art results on difficult link prediction benchmarks using fairly small embedding sizes. The source code is released at https://github.com/tranhungnghiep/MEIM-KGE.Comment: Accepted at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022; add appendix with extra experiment

    An End-to-End Multi-Task Learning Model for Image-based Table Recognition

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    Image-based table recognition is a challenging task due to the diversity of table styles and the complexity of table structures. Most of the previous methods focus on a non-end-to-end approach which divides the problem into two separate sub-problems: table structure recognition; and cell-content recognition and then attempts to solve each sub-problem independently using two separate systems. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end multi-task learning model for image-based table recognition. The proposed model consists of one shared encoder, one shared decoder, and three separate decoders which are used for learning three sub-tasks of table recognition: table structure recognition, cell detection, and cell-content recognition. The whole system can be easily trained and inferred in an end-to-end approach. In the experiments, we evaluate the performance of the proposed model on two large-scale datasets: FinTabNet and PubTabNet. The experiment results show that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in all benchmark datasets.Comment: 10 pages, VISAPP2023. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.0764

    On the Trade-off between the Number of Nodes and the Number of Trees in a Random Forest

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    In this paper, we focus on the prediction phase of a random forest and study the problem of representing a bag of decision trees using a smaller bag of decision trees, where we only consider binary decision problems on the binary domain and simple decision trees in which an internal node is limited to querying the Boolean value of a single variable. As a main result, we show that the majority function of nn variables can be represented by a bag of TT (<n< n) decision trees each with polynomial size if nβˆ’Tn-T is a constant, where nn and TT must be odd (in order to avoid the tie break). We also show that a bag of nn decision trees can be represented by a bag of TT decision trees each with polynomial size if nβˆ’Tn-T is a constant and a small classification error is allowed. A related result on the kk-out-of-nn functions is presented too
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